Ai capabilities in 2024 for small and medium sized Organisations to drive Employee Performance, Retention and Development

    This content is for People Leaders, Operational Leaders, CEOs, Team and Line Managers who want to create or implement a simple coordinated strategy leveraging the use of Ai in order to improve Employee Performance, Retention and Development within their workforce.

    Of course, there are many Ai tools in use across SMB and Mid-Market organisations, but for many their use is currently ad-hoc or uncoordinated. Our research has shown that in those smaller or mid-market organisations, HR and People teams are strapped for time with budgets squeezed so the usage of Ai powered tools is usually instigated by the individual or occasionally at team level.  Sales, marketing, and service teams usually do have the benefit of early integration of Ai into their respective core software tools however Ai integration into HR Tech smaller than the Enterprise level has so far been slower.

    The good news is that in organisations delivering or wanting to deliver frameworks or templates for Performance Management and/or Employee Development, there is now the availability and opportunity to incorporate Ai to help drive employee productivity in 2024 – not just for HR personnel but also for department leaders and line managers.

    Helping HR teams improve efficiency is great, but in an organisation of a say 500 people, HR people represent maybe 5 people (~1%) however line managers (any people with other people reporting into them), can be upwards of 20% of the workforce. Helping increase productivity in both groups will add material benefits of the overall organisational performance.

    In this article we examine a possible strategy for implementing AI for people ops within your organisation. We give workflow examples and use cases for using the different types of Ai and also we discuss potential issues with Ai bias and data regionalisation.

    If the mantra of 2024 is “Do more with Less”, then a co-ordinated Ai approach can help us achieve more with less this year.

    So, let’s dig into the detail by highlighting capability specifics for practical Ai Powered processes which can be implemented this year.

    Rather than concentrating on the ah-hoc tools which employees can utilise to improve their personal productivity (example: blog/email creation software) here we are focusing on technology which can be implemented directly in-line with existing business workflows to make them more efficient and less people dependant.

    So here at StaffCircle our strategy is based in interfacing with three types of Ai – Generative Ai, Predictive Ai, Conversational Ai in orderto deliver practical day-to-day value in 2024 for customers.

    Conversational Ai

    Creating a conversational interface using natural language for your workforce provides a number to advantages including simplifying the usage of sophisticated tools used by non-technical users.

    • By providing a conversational interface (chat window) inside or outside of your HR Tech tools will enable the translation of a natural language request into either direct output or by opening the relevant screens or applications.
    • On-demand generation of analytical reports or dashboards by using natural langue queries.
    • Later enabling speech to text interfaces for the above would negate the need to operate the software using conventional keyboard and mouse or touchscreen.

    Generative Ai

    In relation to HR Tech, generative Ai refers to the automated creation of text and images utilising the people data held within the people system(s).

    Some examples:

    • On-demand generation of People Reports based on available platform data.
    • Auto-generating questions for a review or check-in based on its description and/or audience.
    • Auto generation of your competency framework based on role name and description.
    • Summarisation of performance based on last month/quarter/bi-annual data.
    • Summarisation of personal development goals for this year based on career path, next role and competency requirements.
    • Auto-generation of key results when creating OKRs or of relevant metrics when creating a Smart Objective.
    • Summarising areas of development based in performance, engagement, and development feedback as well as gaps in skills.
    • Summarising feedback from surveys or from 360 reviews or appraisals.
    • Suggesting Awards or feedback for individuals based on employee performance or developmental achievements.

    Predictive Ai

    In relation to HR Tech, Predictive Ai refers to the analysis of people data by Ai in order to predict or anticipate future events or people within your company.

    Some examples:

    • Utilising performance, engagement and development data to predict organisational succession candidates and hyper-personalised career development plans.
    • Provide areas of learning based on future roles of each employee.
    • Predict and visualise employees career paths based on personal development statements.
    • Generate Dashboards and reports predicting potential Employee attrition.
    • Hyper customised employee benefits based on HRIS employee of record data.

    Using Predictive Ai to analyse and understand multiple Employee Signals

    Providing you capture the data in the first place, there are multiple signals which happen in an employee’s timeline that when combined with others can show a pre-warning of potential attrition long before its uncovered by a survey or one2one or worse an exit interview.

    Getting access to all these employee signals can be difficult because many of them exist in disparate systems – but when combined and accessible by the correct Ai tooling it can provide Organisations with game changing analytics.

    Challenges with data regionalisation when Ai is implemented

    Depending on the cloud platform utilised and the location of the Ai models and data stores, careful consideration for data location needs to be applied when adopting Ai capabilities. For example, if you are a UK organisation with strict data regionalisation rules and cannot have employee data or subset of that data move in and out of the UK region then you have to consider carefully the cloud services abilities to keep the data within the county. Some platforms currently do not enable strict regionalisation of data when using Ai capabilities so if your HR tech is built on such a platform then this needs careful consideration. NB: StaffCircle platform is built natively on Microsoft Azure which does support strict regionalisation

    Challenges with Predictive Ai

    Machine Learning Models need to ingest large amounts of data so a shortage of relevant data for the model can be an issue. especially when it comes to predicting future outcomes based on analysing patterns in that existing data. In HR terms, this can affect predictions for succession planning, attrition, and of course employee performance. Concerns exist about potential bias of results so outputs should always be used as guides rather than absolute truths. Nevertheless, this type of prediction data can be incredibly valuable for organisations looking for deep insight into behaviours and trends.

    Challenges with Generative Ai

    Generative Ai can create good if not great content – sometimes a bit too samey.

    The issue revolves around the fact that two pieces of content created from similar inputs will result in relatively similar outputs especially if the input data is not highly detailed and scenario specific. However, for large data creation tasks where unique content isn’t such a huge issue (example when creating role descriptions or 360 review or interview questions) then this can be a huge time save.

    Getting Ai in your workflows – what to look for in HR Tech

    Ensure your HR tech has APIs which Ai Tools can use to ‘see’ your data. Even if your existing HR tech isn’t yet Ai enabled, having access to a useful set of reporting APIs will enable you to leverage 3rd party Ai systems to interrogate your people data.

    Choose HR Tech platforms that collect meaningful data about your employees, not just the holiday bookings but performance and development data as well as content engagement stats. The wider the data relevancy the better the predictions will be providing the models are configured correctly.

    Ai Skills shortage, Deployment lag and the Opportunity

    Of course, Ai news flood is all around us with new ML and Deep Learning features with the latest Ai software and hardware announcements hitting us almost every day. This plethora of information can be confusing and make it difficult to disseminate a strategy from it all despite the advantages this will bring to the organisation. And this problem is real, when you look at the deployment of Ai inside SMB and Mid-Market specifically in HR / employee workflows the uptake is slower apart from the individual take-up of Ai features which aren’t yet integrated in the existing workflows and mostly driven from curiosity and not wanting to miss out or fall behind of the Ai wave.

    We know that direct uptake of deep integrated technology inside larger organisations is driven by leadership teams and this includes Ai.  However, recent research from Workday found that HR leaders need to proactively upskill teams to build confidence in new technologies, with 32% believing employees don’t have the technical skills to work well with AI.

    Working off our own data for mid-market we are seeing large scale individual usage of Generative Ai for content creation across many roles. We are seeing large take up of Ai features through organisational usage of sales, marketing and service software.  

    But there is a lag between Ai capability availability and actual deployments inside existing or new organisational HR and people workflows.

    I believe there are a number of reasons for this, one is the actual understanding and/or training of current Ai capability in terms of HR and People Management as well as the ability to integrate the Ai Technology into the organisations existing HR Tech stack. Also given the amount of news and hype, there is certainly an element of not seeing the wood from the trees.

    The immediate Opportunity is based on you deploying Ai Tech into your people workflows where others haven’t.  When competing for talent or retraining and developing your existing talent – knowledge is everything and Ai helps bridge the gap between your data and knowledge or insight. Afterall you make decisions not based on data but on the insights rendered from your data and Ai can help improve your ability to render data in a more meaningful way.

    In summary, your Ai Strategy, if implemented effectively, can reduce manual work, make your people far more effective by reserving more of their time for high value tasks and help turn your plethora of people data into highly valuable organisational insights.

    Talk to your vendors about Ai strategy and ask for their insights to get a sense if they are or going to be leaders in this space.

    Of course, please talk to us if you would like to see the next generation of Ai tech for employee performance and development.

    Software Product Design Success Checklist

    Software product design is a crucial aspect of any software development process. It encompasses the overall appearance, functionality, and user experience of the software. It’s the bridge between the user and the technology, ensuring the software is efficient, intuitive, and enjoyable to use.

    In this blog post, we will explore the essential things you need to do for software product design to guarantee a successful outcome. These steps include understanding the target audience, defining the problem, creating a plan, following best practices, and more. So, let’s dive in.

    1. Understand the Target Audience

    The first step in software product design is understanding your target audience. This will help you tailor the software to meet their needs and expectations. Consider the following factors:

    • Demographics: Age, gender, location, education, and occupation.
    • Psychographics: Interests, preferences, and behaviors.
    • Technographics: Devices, software, and platforms used.
    1. Define the Problem

    Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, define the problem you want to solve with your software. This will help you focus on the core functionality and value proposition. Ask yourself:

    • What problem does the software address?
    • How does it improve users’ lives?
    • What sets it apart from competitors?
    1. Create a Plan

    After defining the problem, create a detailed plan for your software product design. This plan should include:

    • Goals and objectives: What do you want to achieve with the software?
    • Scope: What features and functionality will the software include?
    • Constraints: Budget, timeline, and resources available.
    1. Conduct Market Research

    Invest time in researching the market to gather valuable insights on competitors, trends, and potential opportunities. This will help you refine your software product design and identify gaps in the market. Market research may involve:

    • Analyzing competitor products.
    • Studying industry trends and emerging technologies.
    • Surveying or interviewing potential users.
    1. Establish a Design Process

    A well-defined design process ensures consistency and efficiency throughout the project. Establish a clear workflow and set guidelines for collaboration and communication between team members. The design process typically consists of:

    • Ideation: Brainstorming ideas and sketching concepts.
    • Wireframing: Creating low-fidelity mockups to visualize the software’s layout.
    • Prototyping: Building interactive high-fidelity prototypes to test and refine the design.
    • Design handoff: Collaborating with developers to implement the final design.
    1. Prioritize User Experience (UX)

    User experience (UX) plays a significant role in the success of any software product. Prioritize UX by focusing on:

    • Usability: Ensure the software is easy to learn, efficient, and enjoyable to use.
    • Accessibility: Make the software accessible to people with disabilities, following guidelines like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
    • Consistency: Maintain a consistent look and feel across the software, including typography, colors, and UI elements.
    1. Employ User Interface (UI) Design Principles

    Effective user interface (UI) design is crucial for a visually appealing and user-friendly software product. Pay attention to these UI design principles:

    • Clarity: Ensure all UI elements are easy to understand and interact with.
    • Feedback: Provide users with clear feedback after interactions, such as button clicks or form submissions.
    • Flexibility: Design the software to adapt to different devices, screen sizes, and orientations.
    • Aesthetics: Create a visually appealing interface that aligns with your brand identity and target audience.
    1. Validate Your Design with User Testing

    User testing is an essential step in the software product design process. It helps you identify potential issues, gather feedback, and optimize the user experience.

    2021 Workforce & HR Tech Predictions

    I don’t suppose anybody has bothered to look back at articles that were written at the end of 2019, predicting how the world of work and HR would change in 2020. Surely, they were all wrong?

    Well, I spent 10 minutes having a quick look and what struck me was how many of those articles were actually right or at least pretty close. Take this article on Industry Week, or even my article written in December 2019 which had business leaders offering these five predictions:

    1. Remote work will no longer be treated as a perk, but rather a necessity for employee retention
    2. Leading through rapid change will be a critical skill to master
    3. Inclusion will be at the forefront of Diversity and Inclusion efforts
    4. Predictive analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) will be used to improve HR outcomes
    5. Virtual Reality (VR) technology will become more prevalent in leadership training programs

    I’d argue that’s not a million miles away from what actually happened in 2020, even though nobody could possibly have imagined the impact that COVID-19 would have on all of our lives, both inside and outside work.

    What COVID-19 has essentially done is dramatically speed up many of the digital and workforce trends that were already happening within organizations. Businesses have had to transform their operating models to serve customers and stay relevant in a digital-only economy. And alongside that, across all sectors, employers have had to move to a distributed workforce model, almost overnight.

    It’s been a challenging, tumultuous year for HR employees, business leaders and the wider workforce. The speed of change has been phenomenal and employers have had to think on their feet, ensuring that their employees have the support, technology and skills to work effectively and happily from home. Of course, some businesses have fared better than others (and employees likewise), but as we move into 2021 and the uncertain picture continues, what can businesses expect in the 12 months ahead?

    Yes, that’s right, I’m sticking my neck on the line again! Here are my five predictions for HR and the workforce in 2021:

    1. The hybrid workforce model will become the dominant model, as and when the pandemic passes. We’ve swung from predominantly on-site workforces to remote workforces in the space of weeks. Now the pendulum will swing back and land somewhere in the middle. Employees will demand much greater choice about when and where they work. The challenge for employers and HR departments will be to establish the cultures, behaviours and processes that facilitate this and lead to improved engagement, wellbeing and productivity. That’s going to mean a major re-think of current employee value propositions, even from where they are now
    • Employers will focus on and invest in new initiatives and tools to re-energise and motivate staff after an exhausting year. This will be a massive priority for business leaders who are rightly concerned about wellbeing and engagement across the workforce. Digital tools and AI-based sentiment analysis will be introduced so that employers can take a more proactive, preventative approach to wellbeing, identifying issues at individual, departmental and organisational level
    • HR departments will look to re-ignite career development and personal development plans after a year in which many people have felt stagnant in their careers. To achieve this, HR leaders will embrace new digital platforms which optimise performance management across a distributed workforce and align PDPs to competency frameworks and culture. Significantly, employers will start to recognise the value of continual, real-time feedback loops within a remote environment, something that will radically transform out-of-date review and appraisal processes. As part of this, we’ll see the consumerisation of performance management, with digital platforms making feedback processes more interactive and intuitive
    • HR will continue its meteoric rise up the value chain, as business leaders increasingly lean on HR departments to deliver operational agility and resilience in a turbulent marketplace. Most large organisations already take a strategic approach to People and HR – this will now be replicated across SMEs. To support this, businesses of all sizes and in every sector, will increase their use of employee data to offer enhanced employee experiences, optimise resources and plan for the future
    • There will be a spike in innovation in relation to workforce management and employee engagement, driven by urgent need. Many businesses have now reached the limit of what they can achieve on Zoom or Teams – and they’ve seen the limitations of simply trying to re-create the old office environment in a virtual space. Instead, new channels and techniques will emerge to engage and motivate staff in a remote and hybrid environment. And this will happen at every stage of the employee journey from digital onboarding, through to performance management, compensation. In order for this to happen, expect to see far greater integration between HR systems and platforms, as businesses search for solutions that best suit their needs.

    So there we have it. Five predictions for HR and business leaders to mull over as we head in to 2021. I hope that when I look back in a year’s time, at least a couple of these will have been right! But more than that, I hope that I’ll be looking back on a safer, easier and more enjoyable year for HR departments and workforces everywhere!

    Now check-out StaffCircle’s 2021 Roadmap for HR Leaders.

    Predictions for HR Technology in 2020

    HR Technology Predictions for 2020

    The HR Technology sector has continued to expand in 2019 with many new innovative solutions covering many aspects of  the employee lifecycle including recruiting, managing performance, optimising experiences, on-boarding and off-boarding. for employees.

    At a time of maximum employment for the Western Economies, Businesses desire to create better environments and experiences for  their employees which has fuelled the growing market in employee engagement and performance tools. Organisations care about their brand more than ever, not just for customers but for employees. Millennials and Gen Z care deeply about their future employers Values,  Mission,  Corporate and Social Responsibilities. Organisations are scrambling to deliver better visibility into the Corporate Soul.

    The HR Technology sector has continued to expand in 2019 with many new innovative solutions covering many aspects of  the employee lifecycle including recruiting, managing performance, optimising experiences, on-boarding and off-boarding. for employees.

    At a time of maximum employment for the Western Economies, Businesses desire to create better environments and experiences for  their employees which has fuelled the growing market in employee engagement and performance tools. Organisations care about their brand more than ever, not just for customers but for employees. Millennials and Gen Z care deeply about their future employers Values,  Mission,  Corporate and Social Responsibilities. Organisations are scrambling to deliver better visibility into the Corporate Soul.

    Prediction #1 – Move to greater home-working  Climate change, Me Too and Organisations wanting to attract and retain the very best people, need to have more flexibility on working patterns. Now with the availability of video and IM technology people can reduce the amount of time travelling to work. We will see a more mixed mode of work – some in the office some at home. Home working will require companies to have  better systems to manage performance, culture and feedback.

    Prediction #2 – Greater visibility into the Corporate Soul (corporate brand 2.0)   Climate change, Me Too, Social Care and Responsibility….these are the things that Millennial and Gen Z care deeply about.  Organisations wanting to attract and retain the very best people, need to have a highly visible Corporate Soul which reflects the desires and aspirations of their employees

    Prediction #3 – Market Consolidation – 2020 will see the start of consolidation of various HR “point” solutions in the market place driven by the need of companies to combine various technologies into a single solution.

    Prediction #4 – Mobile first solutions will increase – The reach of these advanced technologies will extend to mobile, not just for simple items like booking holidays but advanced processes like managing performance appraisals and KPIs. The driver for this will be larger businesses with a split of office and non-desk / front line workers desire to have one system for everyone.

    Prediction #5 – Machine learning will further extend into the HR space and move up from performing simple repetitive tasks to more complex items like interfacing handwriting recognition and sentiment analytics which will provide businesses with predictive churn alerts and also provide “leadership discovery” – highlighting future managers and leaders based on many data points.

    Prediction #6 – Rise of the Employee Relationship Platform – companies wanting to provide better employee experiences at scale will turn from single point software to all encompassing Relationship platforms. These new types of platforms will grow out of the desire to provide full cycle employee relationship management and flexibility.

    Prediction #7 – Company Perks become defacto – perks stop becoming a perk once everyone has them as default and the company perks (discount gym and cinema etc etc) become standard.  Company Perks 2.0 are deeper and more meaningful for the employee – items like  Private Healthcare for all employees and new eco travel options will become more common.

    Engage, Empower and Enhance your workforce with StaffCircle

    Today our company is proud to announce the release of StaffCircle, an Employee Communications and Workforce Automation Platform. A platform literally years in the making! A culmination of my 20 years experience in founding and growing a number of high performance businesses and our team’s 52 years experience in building enterprise software.

    During this article, as CEO and Founder of StaffCircle I seek to explain why we created the platform,  what problems it solves and the new capabilities and insights that can now be delivered to employees and businesses leaders worldwide.

    It’s no secret that over the last decade there has been a fundamental shift in the way we work, how and where we work and the duration of that tenure. In a period of mass employment, organisations need new insights to effectively manage, engage and enhance their distributed workforce whilst being flexible enough to serve their full-time office and home workers, senior managers, line managers and team leaders, part time employees and full-time or zero-hour contractors. Companies need to retain complete visibility of workers giving them a voice to ensure fairness and propriety and enabling employees to access the information required to excel at their work.

    A parallel exists in sales organisations. 15 years ago, most sales teams around the world managed their business pipeline and general workflow using a mixture of email, word documents, spreadsheets and maybe an access database. These generalist applications were used because there wasn’t any specific application for the purpose of salesforce automation. Then as the sales and service processes became even more complex the spreadsheets no longer cut the mustard. CRM systems came along and changed the way we all managed leads, deal pipeline, customers and associated workflows. Our sales managers now look at graphical web dashboards to show performance trends and forecasts. Cloud based CRMs gave companies flexibility and mobility in the way the application was deployed. Also CRM has helped business enormously because of the extendibility of the platforms via their app stores since you can plug other functionality into CRM system to help with other parts of the processes like marketing systems, web chat, electronic Contracts and so forth.

    Now look at people management, especially in non-desk-based environments. It’s a role split across many parts of the organisation; the HR department, the internal communications team, the line managers, team leaders, department leads and the employees themselves. Where is the system that helps co-ordinate these people helping to engage, empower and enhance our employees and their teams?

    Mostly its disparate non-linked applications, spreadsheets or basic HR for time management, word/google docs for one2one reviews, PowerPoint (for org charts) a bit of slack or skype for chat, survey monkey for feedback, possibility an LMS (learning system) and maybe an improvements portal for collecting ideas. How many of these systems are connected to give a complete picture of the person or complete automated workflow. How many of these systems can be accessed by 100% of the workforce from any location on any devices ?

    The maturing of cloud technology and proliferation of smartphones found in almost every persons pocket hints at a solution.

    We believe that people at work need to deliver and receive communication in the most efficient way possible, at any time in any location on any device. It’s not just about communications its about the relevance and value of that communication. Its not just about training, or rewards that drive behaviours its the full picture of work – a timeline of all our activities. Because our productivity output is the culmination of all we do, the tasks we completed, our communication, our achievements, training we completed,  colleagues we helped, suggestions we gave, feedback we received, improvements we made.

    For this to happen there needs to be a new type of work platform that sits directly with the employee but links to the ATS , marketing and communications systems, the HR-Payroll Platform and the CRM that joins these systems together to offer better communication and information to employees and meaningful analytics and workflow automation to management.

    The Bottom line is that in order for management to get a true picture of an employee you need to see their full engagement not just their last one 2 one review or anecdotal information.

    Only when you can see the big picture can you understand the person and make decisions based on real insights using multiple interlinked data points and time periods.

    StaffCircle creates a win-win for both the employee and the back-office. It helps solve the problem of workforce management and also gives the worker a direct line to the top of the organisation, helping them become more empowered, improving engagement and productivity of all workers and the businesses they serve. Our mission is to engage, empower and enhance people at work.

    Welcome to StaffCircle, please request a demonstration to find out more or run our easy to use Return on Investment Calculator to see how much your business could add to its bottom line by implementing the StaffCircle platform.

    Unifying Customer Touch-Points within Recruitment

    Business process automation is becoming a common discussion point for larger Recruitment organisations using advanced CRM systems. The ability to “systemize” process creates consistency , predictability and scalability.  The visualisation of performance using user friendly Dashboards and Reports enables management  to scrutinize  and control crucial KPIs.

    recruitment_touch_pointsHowever, many Recruitment businesses are experiencing disjointed customer and candidate journeys. This is primarily because the various touch points within the recruitment business operate within separate silos. For instance, it is still rare to see Recruitment and Staffing professionals working from a single system that gives a unified view of a Candidate (emails, phone conversations, CV and Social Data). This in turn means that conversations that happen between a candidate or customer and their recruiter rarely make it to the management team who can effect impactful actions and improvements based directly on this real-time information.

    By the same principle, customer requirements also may not make it cleanly to the candidate or their recruiter allowing them to better determine if indeed they will make a good fit for the role in question. This emphasis on client and candidate openness will lead to better placement, less candidate churn and greater overall satisfaction which inevitably leads to increased repeat business.

    Integrating real-time communications into the CRM creates the environment for agents to become far more productive. It streamlines training and simplifies onboarding and creates accountability across the organisation, this combination leads to better Customer and Candidate experience and greater employee satisfaction.

    By unifying telephony into the Recruitment system it is possible to predict the destination of the outbound sales call and dynamically alter the sales person’s phone number to match closely the destination number location, greatly increasing the answer rate for that call. Powerful analytics gives businesses greater insight into conversation outcomes, best times to call and reduction in the need to make  lengthy ‘post call’ notes which impacts productivity.

    The Business Impact of Unified Touch-points

    Consistent and Unified Customer and Candidate Touch-points provide Recruitment Businesses with huge benefits including:

    • Increased Successful First Placements
      • Improved Customer Satisfaction
      • Repeat Business from existing Customers
      • Easier retention of Candidates (they know you place them accurately)
      • Less time spent re-placing roles which improves profit and reduces credit noting to customers.
    • Feedback reaches management faster
      • Giving Management Teams access to a Unified Customer and Candidate view including call recordings, outcomes and analytics will lead to faster Business improvements based on real unfiltered feedback directly inside your CRM records.
    • Knowledge sharing will improve across the organisation
      • Recruiters who have Business Development Teams and separate account management teams can suffer from information lag or proxy (2nd or 3rd hand information) to or from the candidate or customer. Removing the barriers to information sharing across voice and data will make the business more efficient for all concerned.
    • Voice Unification allows for a data driven Sales Processes
      • Calling contacts from inside the CRM ensures data consistency and quicker more accurate calling
      • Matching outbound calling numbers to the recipient destination increases pickup rates.
      • Integrating the call recordings of sales calls back into the CRM contact record ensures accountability and consistency
      • Real-time analytics of sales communications gives agents and management insight into the best calling times and conversation outcome.
      • Customer and candidate web enquiries no longer require manual processing in order to generate sales calls. The system automatically places the sales call and connects to the correct team or recruiter.

    Implementing integrated communications into your Recruitment CRM system using a suitable CloudCall system is now straightforward and highly cost effective facilitating a clear return on investment.

    Integrating your customer and candidate touch points leads to a better recruitment process and improved profit and retention.

    The Rise of WebRTC and what it means to Businesses.

    WebRTC is going to FUNDAMENTALLY change the way businesses interact with their Customers.

    Within the next couple of years,  many Customer self service portals will have WebRTC (web real-time communications) capability which will connect your customer using audio, video or chat directly to your sales or service people without the need for a telephone at either end, using nothing more than their favourite  web browser.webrtc-logo-vert-retro-255x305

    The technology is already here, the mainstream adoption is not, that is where the couple of years comes in. Welcome to the world of WebRTC.

    WebRTC v1.0 is a standard based on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) which itself was based on original work developed at Ericsson Labs and later on by the WebRTC open source project published by Google in 2011.  WebRTC v1.1 (also known as ORTC – Object Real-time Communications) is currently in development and is actually part implemented in some web browsers already.

    Essentially WebRTC gives the web browsers and developers a standard way of implementing and integrating real-time communications capabilities which have the ability to deliver four main capabilities which are 1. Voice Communication 2. Video Conferencing 3. Realtime chat 4. Information sharing (ie: desktop and file sharing). These capabilities are already pre-baked into the latest Web Browsers and platforms:

    For PCs and Macs: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Opera have support in their latest versions. Android Smartphones and tablets have  Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera Mobile support.  Apple Smart Phone and Tablets (ie: latest iPhone and iPADs) have support in their  built in Web Browser. (Notable exceptions that do not have support are Internet Explorer and Apple Safari.)

    Given the fact that there is already broad fixed and mobile platform support for WebRTC  the major barriers to adoption have been removed. In the next few years we expect to see this technology really come of age and proliferate throughout the business world.


    I know there will be some questions, so I have attempted to answer a few of the common ones below, but first the obligatory diagram showing how it can work.

    What advantages does WebRTC give your business?

    Firstly WebRTC gives you to ability to communicate more effectively with your Customers and Staff. The technology is programmable using HTML5 and Javascript – within the capability of most good Web Developers. The ability to integrate WebRTC functions into your business workflows, integrating to your existing Website,  Customer Portal and CRM means you do not have to swap out large chunks of your software or infrastructure to gain this capability.

    Two example Use Cases (there are many more)

    A Service Team wants to create more efficiencies with Customer Interactions. Using WebRTC they can create a WebRTC enabled web page in their Support Portal so customers can interact directly with the support team directly, maybe after creating a support ticket. The Support agents can also use WebRTC software and can receive a call/chat/video and desktop share from the customer without having to use a traditional or VoIP phone or any telecoms infrastructure at all. The communication is delivered from the Customer Webpage to the Support Agent via the company’s WebRTC service. Both the Customer and the Agent  have a camera, audio and microphone provided in their PC/Mac/iPAD/iPhone/Android which WebRTC uses and controls throughout the communications session.

    A Recruitment Company wants to create a better way to interact with their Candidates and Customers throughout the interview process. The recruitment company contacts a WebRTC Service Provider who integrates a WebRTC solution into their interview process. This integration videos the candidate whilst they are answering a series of interview questions driven from the CRM and uploads the video as part of the candidate’s CV package which can be given to prospective employees. The candidate can use their PC/Mac/Laptop/iPAD/Android device to log on to the recruiters interview portal and run through the interview questions.

    How secure is WebRTC?

    WebRTC offers good security for calls. Signalling (instructions that tell WebRTC clients what to do next) is delivered over secure websockets (similar to https).  The media (the actual audio/video/messages/information) is transferred using SRTP (secure real-time protocol) again is also encrypted.  There are some minor security concerns to do with reading users IP addresses and of course there are the ones we haven’t discovered yet. The best advice I can give you is to consult a WebRTC/Integrated Communications specialist on such matters prior to implementing WebRTC inside your network.

    What is the Call Quality like?

    This is where we have to get a bit technical. The audio is encoded and decoded (the codec) using one of two methods or codecs as they are known – either G.711 or Opus. (Think Wav file or MP3 file.)

    Both codecs offer good quality calls but Opus is more flexible because it can adapt to low bandwidth environments. Opus is actually based partly on the “Silk” algorithm which is used by Skype and can provide near HD quality using up to 80 kilobits per second (ISDN is 64 kilobits per second) all the way down to 6kb/s for bandwidth constrained environments like mobile – although don’t expect High Definition calls at that level!

    The reality is that for any enterprise grade voice quality, you need to ensure that your own business local area network and wide area network (your internet connectivity) is capable of supporting voice calls over IP. That means no dodgy/cheap home-grade ethernet switches in your network and a properly setup router with Quality of service settings configured correctly. Best advice here is: Buy cheap, buy twice.

    Peer to Peer or Client-Server?

    Peer to Peer (web browser to web browser) communication is certainly possible using WebRTC. However the compelling Business case is where WebRTC clients (your customers and staff using WebRTC enabled applications) are connected through a WebRTC Gateway which will mediate the calls and even connect them to the PSTN (outside world) through a suitable SIP service. There are other advantages to routing the RTP through a central source, for example allowing calls and video to be recorded. Therefore my advice to you would be to seek advice from a suitably knowledgeable communications company as part of your planning.

    WebRTC sounds interesting, where do I go from here?

    My advice would be to speak to a few companies who are providing or planning to provide WebRTC services and also visit a good conference on WebRTC. A good one would be the European VoIP Summit in London in March 2016. I am on one of the Q+A sessions talking about WebRTC. More information is available by clicking here.

    As a follow up, I am planning to write a couple of follow-up articles talking specifically about a few WebRTC applications which our company – SYNETY – will be launching later in 2016 so I hope you enjoyed the article and found it useful.

    The Customer System – Scaling your Cloud Business

    building a cloud business is hard, Building one that scales beyond the startup phase to profitability is far harder.

    graphFor those Entrepreneurs that don’t possess a legendary degree of foresight but also don’t want to want a costly lesson in hindsight there is always the hard earned learnings of others to guide you through the pitfalls of scaling your Cloud business.

    I’d like to discuss how to architect your business systems right from the start to not only scale beyond  handling your early adopters but get you closer to your actual goal of creating a cash generative recurring revenue business. Do this without having spend big on re-architecturing your systems because they are creaking.  I’ve been there, and I’ve worn the bloody T-shirt that goes with it.  I promise you that having a thriving business which is being held back by non-scalable architecture is not a good place to be.

    The last thing any business needs when it is gaining traction or closing the cash gap is to have to shell out cash on re-architecture projects or redirect valuable product development resource to the task.

    When you think about your new business, or new product, think about the Customer System that needs to go with it.

    The Customer System in one sentence is:

    Interconnected process across each area of your business which create high quality, scalable and consistent experiences for Customers and Staff.

    No matter how tedious, time consuming and irrelevant this may seem to you, this will be the single most important business foundation you will create (beyond actually developing your product/service in the first place).

    The Customer System spans across your entire business but first I’d like to start with your product or service  area because this is probably the main revenue generator and value creator for your business.

    Map each step a customer will take and this means mapping every possible request, delivery, upgrade and general contact point (in and out) for any new and existing customers. Think about the flow of information, what possible information will give you, what you need from them and what format you will follow up. Make it super easy for Customers to exchange information with you. You will need a flexible and customisable CRM system and  third party cloud services like email/marketing automation, SMS and telephony integration. Choose the best of breed providers and plug them into your Customer System.

    Define a product/feature release system for your service. Create a sub-committee (consisting of various stakeholders across the business who will be connected to your Customer and Service departments) who will be responsible for voting the priority of features for the following quarter’s roadmap and ensuring the product/feature specifications have covered all angles. If is also the job of your committee to ensure communication is fed into your departments and be the ‘go-to person’ within their department for product related questions.

    The quality of your documentation is part of your Product and is paramount to the success of of your entire business. You need to educate your staff and your customers very well so decide on the system to do this and ensure that any system you choose has an API so it can be easily integrated into your overall system.

    Automate as many tasks as possible, including the core provisioning of customers services. Use this mantra – “Where a robot will do – use a robot” (aka software scripts). Automation costs less and is more accurate than a human –  plus they don’t have days off.

    Where there is a-lot of complexity in a process, a human may be necessary. Use a human but ensure this costly resource is trained to an inch of their life – don’t forget they are carrying the company brand. ensure than any manual process has a system wrapped around it so you can create metrics – dashboards or reports, showing you the performance of the employee and/or process.

    The diagram below represents my view of The Customer System plus a the core components for a product department handling feature releases. This has been used successfully in our business, copy it, change it and improve it (if you do, please send me a copy:)

    Customer SystemProduct-Processes

    The next article in The Customer System series will  be the Sales and Pre-Sales system where I discuss in detail the idea of systemising your Sales and Pre-Sales Processes and how they integrate into the overall Customer System to create great upsell opportunities and reduce churn.

    CloudCall API – the new way to build Comms Apps

    During the last year, I have been working on a start-up called SYNETY which has developed a telecoms web service called the CloudCall API.

    Building customised IVR, Outbound voice applications or Hosted PBX services  is currently an expensive proposition. Traditionally, you needed to purchase an IVR platform (software and hardware) then install either on-premise or host in a carrier’s data-centre, plug in E1 trunks and then build and test your application. As you grew, you would be constrained by the trunk capacity of your IVR equipment and as time went on, your application and IVR equipment would become out of date. Any idea how bad text to speech (TTS) or Voice recognition technology was just 3 years ago ?


    Now there is a new way to build, test, deploy and scale your IVR or outbound communications applications – the SYNETY CloudCall API.

    More information is available at

    SYNETY will be officially openening its doors for business on January 3rd.

    SYNETY, Convergence and Unified Communications for SMEs.

    Working in both Telecoms and Internet businesses for the last 16 years has given me a useful insight into convergence and the emergence of Unified Communications. 

    For me it all started in 1998 whilst I was 3 years into running my first ISP.  The initial emergence of Voice over IP technology was definitely too early. Then there was instant messaging and following closely was early software video conferencing, all bleeding edge technology, mostly unreliable but an indication of things to come.

    As convergence of telecommunications and IT continued to progress through the noughties we started to see and hear the ramifications of this, from acquisitions of businesses to share value being slashed off public companies deemed to be on the back foot of these changes.

    I know many telecoms reseller businesses that have been told they dead or dying if they do not embrace Unified Communications (posh name for converged communications) with this Software Company or that.

    Indeed I’m guilty of this myself having been wrapped up so tightly inside an Eco-system that every fiber of me believed that UC was the life raft to every business in a recession and was truly bewildered by any business rejecting it.

    It is true that some Unified Communications platforms like Microsoft Lync can help improve communications and bolster collaboration in certain multi-site businesses; the benefit really depends on the type, size and business culture.

    Even though it may seem so, I’m not trying poo-poo Unified Communications or Microsoft Lync. I still believe it can be transformative for businesses in many circumstances but in my previous role I was focused solely on medium and large businesses but not any-more.  Now I’m back to my grass roots – focusing on startups and SMEs.

    During the planning and preparation stages of our new business I’ve spent time talking to various small and medium sized businesses – from start-ups to 50 person businesses. I needed to find out exactly what SMEs really need from their communications in order to ratify our business strategy and generally get closer to the types of customer we will be supplying services.

    I was surprised to find that many smaller businesses I interviewed have neither the technical capability nor the need to take full advantage of many of the features that this emerging technology offers. They don’t need to see people’s presence – they can just look over their desk. They don’t need desktop sharing – they can pull a chair up at someone else’s desk, and even when a couple enquired about whether their iPhone’s or Android would work with Lync the conversations soon turned to other technology.

    Microsoft believes the phone is dead – and maybe it will be one day but not for now, not according to the businesses I spoke to.

    I was also surprised to find that many of the business simply didn’t want big changes to their working practices or communications technology – many of them felt that it wasn’t the time to try radical new ways of working.

    Instead, businesses want to improve and hone their working practices, in other words make small incremental changes with a low risk strategy, the theory being that a larger number of small incremental changes adds up to bigger changes down the line. In summary, the conversations always turned to improving not replacing.

    Also given these un-certain times, the SMEs I spoke to wanted definite and measurable return on their investment on any new communications technology or systems and the return on investment needed to be in the months – not years.

    They wanted low or no setup costs – definitely no CAPEX, a get out clause if it all goes wrong,  and the solution needs to be very easy to use and manage. Unsurprisingly I did find they were far more acceptable of outsourcing to the cloud but wanted to have good assurances around service quality and up-time.

    In numerous occasions I found that businesses wanted to keep their existing software and telecoms in the most part or have the ability to improve their communications abilities and scale out existing systems using the cloud.

    After planning SYNETY for nearly a year, I feel as though the business has now developed products and services that SMEs will want in order for them to incrementally improve their business performance.

    In the following blogs, I will discuss the types of business issues our technology solves and provide in-site into the ongoing technology development.

    Its early days, but following our launch this October,  I’m confident that  SYNETY can help many businesses achieve an improved bottom line.